Unreal Badlands


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Don't miss the new pics of our weapon models,


Just a reminder that DM-Sundown & DM-Shootout are
available for download now. So, check them out.

Download DM-Sundown

Download DM-Shootout


Here's SoulStripper's latest work - Badlands. It's a fast-paced outdoor map that is perfect for ambushes and bushwacking! He'll have it finished soon, but in the meantime we have some preview pics below.

Badlands 1

Badlands 2

Badlands 3

Badlands 4

Badlands 5

Badlands 6


Maniac's put the finishing touches on DustTown, and it's a great map! Lot's of cool buildings, and a nice wide main street set the stage for some dramatic shootouts. So check out the new screenshots we have below!

DustTown 1

DustTown 2

DustTown 3

DustTown 4

DustTown 5

DustTown 6

DustTown 7

New - DustTown 8

New - DustTown 9

New - DustTown 10

New - DustTown 11

New - DustTown 12

New - DustTown 13

New - DustTown 14

Badland's New HUD!


This is a screenshot of the new HUD for Badlands, which will replace UT's default HUD. The cowboy hat in the upper-right corner is the player's health indicator. The red number in the lower-right corner is the frag count. The yellow number in the lower-left corner is the ammo display for the current weapon. And, right above that, is the name of the weapon currently selected. One feature not shown in this shot will be the bullet count. Since all Badland's weapons have a limited number of shots before needing to reload, we'll have a seperate display showing the number of bullets remaining in the gun. This display will be directly underneath the ammo display in the lower-left corner.

Click here for a full-size shot!


Here's another shot of the HUD. In this shot you can see how health is indicated. As a player loses health, an increasing portion of the hat in the upper-right corner becomes dim.

Click here for a full-size shot!



Here you can see the new armor indicator, which is the Sheriffs Badge directly underneath the "health hat". You can also see the new message area in the upper-left corner. We've removed the "talking heads", and the message box.

Click here for a full-size shot!



Here you can see that the sheriff's badge works the same as cowboy hat. As a player loses armor points more of the badge is dimmed. And, (as shown in the first two screenshots) if a player loses his (or doesn't have) armor the badge isn't shown at all on the HUD.

Click here for a full-size shot!


Also, as part of the new HUD we've added several new crosshair designs. So, have a look!

Crosshair 1

Crosshair 2

Crosshair 3

Crosshair 4

Crosshair 5


This is a screenshot from Sundown (by SoulStripper), one of the maps included with Badlands. As you can see, it's set at night in a western town. And, it's totally gorgeous!

Download DM-Sundown Here!

Check out the links below for more great screenshots!

Sundown 1

Sundown 2

Sundown 3

Sundown 4

Sundown 5

Sundown 6

Sundown 7

Sundown 8

Sundown 9

Sundown 10

Sundown 11

Sundown 12


This is a shot from Shootout (by Soulstripper), another of the maps that will be included with Badlands. It's a large, open, outdoors map. But also has a few buildings for those of you who are a little agoraphobic. : )

Download Shootout here!

Check out the links below for some great full-size shots!

Shootout 1

Shootout 2

Shootout 3

Shootout 4

Shootout 5

Shootout 6

Shootout 7

Shootout 8


Here's a shot from NoName, another map that SoulStripper's working on. This one is close to completion, and will be included with our first Beta release. But for now, we've got some screenshot's to show off his work.

NoName 1

NoName 2

NoName 3

NoName 4

NoName 5

NoName 6

NoName 7

NoName 8

NoName 9

NoName 10

NoName 11

NoName 12

NoName 12


And here's another goody SoulStripper's working on. It's called UnionPacific, and as you can see it's a train map. It's modeled after an actual 19th century Union Pacific train, and looks like its going to be awesome! So, grab your shotgun, and ALL ABOOOAAARD!!!

Right now, we've only have the one shot but we'll post more when we get them!


Texx the Gunslinger

Here's a shot of Texx the gunslinger, he'll be the model used by players and bots in our first Beta. He was created by modeling prodigy - Mark Forsyth. And Mark's already working on adding more models to the Badland's lineup. Hope you like him, if so thank Mark for making him.

Visit Mark's homepage!


All material on this website and all files available for download are Copyright Protected,
(C)2001 Eleven Assassins Productions, or by the orginal artist where noted.